If you are a fan of the ESP32 and want to support this site in some way then we have published an ebook on the Kindle store. The basis of this ebook is using the ESP32 with the Arduino IDE
There will be descriptions of each chapter,schematics or a connection documented, code examples (which is available via a github link in the book) and expected output. Here are the contents of the ebook so you can see what we have added
About the ESP32 4
Setting up the Arduino IDE 6
Wemos Lolin32 7
MH-ET LIVE MiniKit for ESP32 8
Basic examples and ESP32 features 10
Basic analog test example for an ESP32 board 11
Basic WebServer example 13
fade an LED using an ESP32 17
ESP32 capacitive touch example 19
ESP32 : perform a software reset 21
Network Time Protocol example 22
RGB LED example 24
Light dependent resistor example 27
Using SHA-256 with an ESP32 30
ESP32 built in hall effect sensor example 32
ESP32 True random number generator 34
ESP32 Deep Sleep example 36
ESP32 : a look at the Dual core 40
ESP32 DAC example 45
Temperature sensor example using a BMP180 46
ESP32 and SHT31 sensor example 49
ESP32 and HMC5883L sensor example 52
ESP32 and MLX90614 infrared thermometer example 56
ESP32 and AM2302 example 59
PC8574 and ESP32 example 61
MAX6675 example 64
ESP32 and RFID-RC522 module example 67
LM35 and ESP32 example 70
ESP32 and MS5611 barometric pressure sensor example 73
ESP32 and MPL3115A2 absolute pressure sensor example 76
VEML6075 ultraviolet (UV) light sensor and ESP32 78
ESP32 and CCS811 gas sensor example 80
ESP32 and MPU-9250 sensor example 84
ESP32 and Max7219 8×8 LED matrix example 87
ESP32 and TM1637 7 segment display example 89
ESP32 and MAX44009 ambient light sensor example 92
ESP32 and OLED display example 95
ESP32 and Infrared receiver example 98
ESP32 and SD card example 102
MH ET LIVE ESP32 MINI KIT and WS2812B shield example 110
ESP32 and basic TEA5767 example 112
ESP32 and I2C LCD example 114
ESP32 and a Stepper motor 117
ESP32 and L9110 fan module example 120
ESP32 and GY-21P readings on a web page 122
ESP32 and CCS811 gas sensor data to Thingspeak example 127
In Review 133
We recieve a percentage of the profits from Amazon which we reinvest into this site with regards domain name renewal, web site hosting and purchasing any parts we use – we don't get any samples or freebies from any companies.
So please support the site by purchasing the ebook from the following links