The MLX90393 magnetic field sensor can be reprogrammed to different modes and with different settings at run-time. The sensor offers a 16-bit output proportional to the magnetic flux density sensed along the XYZ axes using the Melexis proprietary Triaxis® technology and also offers a temperature output signal. These digital values are available via I2C and SPI, where the MLX90393 is a slave on the bus.
By selecting which axes are to be measured, the raw data can be used as input for further post-processing, such as for joystick applications, rotary knobs, and more complex 3D position sensing applications. Unparallelled performance is achieved with this sensor, which is primarily targeting industrial and consumer applications.
mlx90393 module
Parts Required
Here are the parts I used
Module | LOLIN32 |
VDD | 3v3 |
Gnd | Gnd |
SDA | SDA – 21 |
SCL | SCL – 22 |
// Distributed with a free-will license. // Use it any way you want, profit or free, provided it fits in the licenses of its associated works. // MLX90393 // This code is designed to work with the MLX90393_I2CS I2C Mini Module available from // #include<Wire.h> // MLX90393 I2C Address is 0x0C(12) #define Addr 0x0C void setup() { // Initialise I2C communication as MASTER Wire.begin(); // Initialise serial communication, set baud rate = 9600 Serial.begin(9600); // Start I2C Transmission Wire.beginTransmission(Addr); // Select Write register command Wire.write(0x60); // Set AH = 0x00, BIST disabled Wire.write(0x00); // Set AL = 0x5C, Hall plate spinning rate = DEFAULT, GAIN_SEL = 5 Wire.write(0x5C); // Select address register, (0x00 << 2) Wire.write(0x00); // Stop I2C Transmission Wire.endTransmission(); // Request 1 byte of data Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1); // Read status byte if(Wire.available() == 1) { unsigned int c =; } // Start I2C Transmission Wire.beginTransmission(Addr); // Select Write register command Wire.write(0x60); // Set AH = 0x02 Wire.write(0x02); // Set AL = 0xB4, RES for magnetic measurement = 0 Wire.write(0xB4); // Select address register, (0x02 << 2) Wire.write(0x08); // Stop I2C Transmission Wire.endTransmission(); // Request 1 byte of data Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1); // Read status byte if(Wire.available() == 1) { unsigned int c =; } delay(300); } void loop() { unsigned int data[7]; // Start I2C Transmission Wire.beginTransmission(Addr); // Start single meaurement mode, ZYX enabled Wire.write(0x3E); // Stop I2C Transmission Wire.endTransmission(); // Request 1 byte of data Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1); // Read status byte if(Wire.available() == 1) { unsigned int c =; } delay(100); // Start I2C Transmission Wire.beginTransmission(Addr); // Send read measurement command, ZYX enabled Wire.write(0x4E); // Stop I2C Transmission Wire.endTransmission(); // Request 7 bytes of data Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 7); // Read 7 bytes of data // status, xMag msb, xMag lsb, yMag msb, yMag lsb, zMag msb, zMag lsb if(Wire.available() == 7); { data[0] =; data[1] =; data[2] =; data[3] =; data[4] =; data[5] =; data[6] =; } // Convert the data int xMag = data[1] * 256 + data[2]; int yMag = data[3] * 256 + data[4]; int zMag = data[5] * 256 + data[6]; // Output data to serial monitor Serial.print("Magnetic Field in X-Axis : "); Serial.println(xMag); Serial.print("Magnetic Field in Y-Axis : "); Serial.println(yMag); Serial.print("Magnetic Field in Z-Axis : "); Serial.println(zMag); delay(500); }
Open the serial monitor and you should see something like this
Magnetic Field in X-Axis : 66
Magnetic Field in Y-Axis : 65458
Magnetic Field in Z-Axis : 8
Magnetic Field in X-Axis : 83
Magnetic Field in Y-Axis : 65477
Magnetic Field in Z-Axis : 65525
Magnetic Field in X-Axis : 76
Magnetic Field in Y-Axis : 65452
Magnetic Field in Z-Axis : 65506
Magnetic Field in X-Axis : 25
Magnetic Field in Y-Axis : 65374
Magnetic Field in Z-Axis : 65512
Magnetic Field in X-Axis : 80